Tarjoamiemme tuotteiden ja palveluiden lisäksi haluamme nostaa keskiöön ihmiset. Lue ja inspiroidu alan uratarinoista.
Tutustu erilaisiin tekniikan ja toiminnallisuuden ratkaisuihimme, joiden avulla saat luotua juuri sinulle laadukkaan ja toimivan keittiöympäristön.
Otamme tarkasti huomioon asiakkaan yksilölliset tarpeet ja tavoitteet. Tutustu, ihastu ja nappaa parhaat palat omaan ammattikeittiöösi.
Here you can fill out the BusinessCredit Limit application. The BusinessCredit Limit offers a revolving credit facility of €5,000 or €10,000, where you only pay interest on the amount you use. You can draw the loan in full or in parts, as needed. The costs of the corporate credit limit include a drawdown fee and interest.
BusinessCredit is provided by WS Finance Oy, which is part of the same WestStar Group as Dieta Group. BusinessCredit is a trustworthy loan service designed for Finnish SMEs, offering financing of up to €100,000.
WS Finance Oy will contact you after you have completed the application.
Please note that the BusinessCredit website, WS Finance Oy's privacy policy, and all credit documents and communications are available only in Finnish. BusinessCredit customer service is available in both Finnish and English. All communication related to the application will be conducted exclusively with the applicant.